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Home / Helping you choose a hypnotherapy training – key questions answered

In this series of videos Mark R. Davis reviews some of the most important questions and factors in choosing a hypnotherapy training programme?

1/ Do you want to be a wizard powerful guru therapist or an educator/skills trainer/coach therapist?

2/ Is there much research about hypnosis? Is it a credible area of research and therapeutic practice?

3/ What type of course format will suit you? Weekends vs more intensive formats?
(note this video is slightly out of date with regard to now offering the course via Webcast and Pre-Recorded Online with Tutoring formats)

4/ Is the qualification I receive an accredited qualification?

5/ With this qualification can I practise in my home country of… India? Australia? USA?

6/ I'm in the UK and I want to become a hypnotherapist. What's the legal situation and how do I become a registered professional hypnotherapist?

Choosing A Hypnotherapy Course (Part 1) – Therapist as Magician or Coach?

Choosing A Hypnotherapy Training (Part 2) – Scientific vs Magical

What Type Of Course Suits You Best

4. What Qualification Is Given

5. Practising Hypnotherapy In Your Country

6. What do I need to do to become a hypnotherapist in the UK