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Home / Hypnotherapy training for psychologists

Whether you’re currently studying psychology, have a psychology degree from years ago (that you don’t use!) or are a practising, registered psychologist and you want to learn hypnosis and hypnotherapy then this training in cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy is likely to be the best fit for you.

“My goal is to be a clinical psychologist. The diploma has developed my applied skill set, so I can practice as an accredited therapist and progress my career.”
Scott, Psychology Undergraduate, University Westminster and Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist.

Why Psychologists take our diploma…

  • BPS approved (as CPD for Psychologists)
  • Evidence-based approach: what we teach is based on experimental and clinical research into hypnosis, which is surprisingly extensive (view a PubMed search “hypnotherapy”)
  • A vocational qualification that incorporates 50% practical, experiential learning
  • Supports career progression and develops applied skills set for Psychology graduates looking to proceed to clinical practice.
  • Get practicing as an accredited therapist quickly
  • Highly regulated training provider, certified by correct bodies and strict on professional supervision
  • Fast track training option available or space out your learning.
  • Interest free 12 month payment plan available for the Full Diploma.


1) Currently studying?

You don't need to wait to finish your degree to get well trained in effective skills to help others and start a private practice. This vocational training is in-depth, rigorous and efficient (no unnecessary theory – the focus is on what you need to know to make choices with your clients). 

2) Registered psychologist  – and want to move into private practice?

If you are a registered psychologist and wondering how to get into private practice this training will quickly give you a wide range of effective, evidence-based techniques and assessment methods that will give you the confidence and knowledge to get into private practice. Plus, lots of solid business advice and guidance.

3) In training to be a clinical/counselling psychologist? 

If you are in training and looking to become a clinical, counselling, forensic or educational psychologist this course is going to massively increase your skill set  – allowing you be more creative and flexible when working with clients, and getting ahead of the competition (it is undeniably very competitive out there!).

4) Unused degree?

Many course participants have a psychology degree from their distant past and then found themselves in HR or marketing, yet dream of using their psychology degree more directly in helping others live their lives more fully by overcoming overcome fears and old patterns.
In this course you can get out your old degree, dust it down and bring it up to date with modern theory and skills that are all evidence-based – and then get out there helping others.

Why add hypnosis to your clinical skills as a psychologist?

  • Generally clients view therapists who know how to use hypnosis as more expert than those of equivalent professional qualification who don't know how to use hypnosis
  • Clients who believe hypnosis would help and would like to experience hypnotherapy arrive with a self-fulfilling prophecy for achieving their goals in therapy
  • Research shows that adding hypnosis to CBT appears to improve outcomes (Kirsch 1997, Alladin 2007)
  • Teaching self-hypnosis to clients increases their repertoire of coping skills (Golden, Dowd & Freidberg, 1987)
  • Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are particularly helpful for relaxation and pain control (Montgomery 2000, Jenson 2011)
  • Hypnosis is a way to “supercharge” imagery work in CBT or other psychotherapy models – creating vivid “as-if-real” type imagining
  • In the UK hypnosis has a strong reputation; the public generally have a positive view of hypnotherapy and the British media consistently publish stories about the positive effects of hypnosis
  • There are more searches for “hypnotherapy” than “psychotherapy” in the UK (Google Trends)

Why is this hypnotherapy training so suitable for psychologists?

  • We teach an evidence-based approach – everything is based on experimental and clinical research. Why take an “Evidence-Based” training course? Reading this article will give you a good idea of what research tells us about hypnosis and how can use this to inform and educate our clients.
  • We teach a non-state model of hypnosis – aligned with the experimental research and a more ‘scientific/sceptical' (rather than ‘magical') model of hypnosis. We don't teach hypnosis as being in a “trance”.
  • We are realistic about what hypnosis can and can't do (no wild claims)
  • We teach a “cognitive behavioural model” of hypnosis and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy – the integration of hypnosis with CBT and mindfulness. There's a long history between hypnosis and behavioural therapy, and then hypnosis and cognitive therapy.
  • In many courses the lack of evidence for wild claims, undefined terms (like “trance” or “the subconscious mind”) will run hard against your years of education and training in psychology. You won't find any “woolly thinking” or pop psychology on this course.
  • Consistently the highest satisfaction ratings from course participants are those with a background in psychology – from current psychology undergraduates, to NHS Clinical Psychologists, from those doing their PhDs to lecturers, and yes, even one Professor of Psychology; they like the rigour of the approach, the referencing to academic articles and the depth and breadth of theory and understanding that the trainers bring.
  • The core textbooks for the course are serious and substantial clinical textbooks. Main textbooks for the course are:
    • Hartland's Medical and Dental Hypnosis 4th Edition – edited by Michael Heap
    • The Practice of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy by Donald Robertson (2012)
    • Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis by Kirsch and Lynn (2006)

So what is the training course?

This is an intensive 21 day training course in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy. It's spread into three 7-day blocks – each resulting in a Certificate award. Complete all three Certificate courses, plus a written assessment and you'll gain an externally verified Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy that is recognised and accepted by the main hypnotherapy organisations. Plus, the training is approved by the BPS.

Read more about the 21 day hypnotherapy diploma training here.


What does it cover?

  • Self-Hypnosis skills training
  • Basic Hypnotherapy skills
  • Pain Control hypnotherapy (and non-hypnotic methods)
  • The integration of hypnosis with cognitive and behavioural techniques:
    1. Stress Inoculation Training (Meichenbaum), [Stage 2 course]
    2. Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety (Clark, Wells and Beck) [Stage 3 course]
    3. Exposure and Desensitation approaches (Wolpe, Lazarus), [Stage 2 course]
    4. Tension Control and Applied Relaxation (Jacobson, Benson, Ost, Borkovec), [Stage 2 course]
    5. Habit Reversal Training (Nunn and Azrin) [Stage 2 course]
    6. Aversion Therapy, Thought Stopping, Paradoxical Intention (Salter, Frankl etc) [Stage 2 course]
    7. Mindfulness Approaches (Perls, Kabat Zinn, Hayes et al) [All three stages]
    8. Problem Solving Therapy (Nezu, Nezu & D'Zurilla) [Stage 3 course]
    9. The role & use of imagery in Cognitive Therapy (& in Hypno-CBT) [Stage 2 & Stage 3 Course]
    10. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (Ellis)  [Stage 3 Course]
    11. Assertiveness Training, Authentic Self-Expression and Social Anxiety Models (Salter, Lazarus, Clark & Wells). [Stage 2 & Stage 3 courses]

See the full “toolbox” of techniques that are covered in the course here:
The Hypno-CBT® Toolbox

Become an effective, accredited hypnotherapist