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Mark R. Davis

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The 4 Types of Hypnotherapy

The field of hypnotherapy can appear as a muddy mess. Hard to navigate and not well signposted! There are actually…

Taking Placebos on Purpose

Brief discussion of a curious 1965 study in which placebo pills were administered to 15 “neurotic” psychiatric patients, who were explicitly told that they were being given “sugar pills” with no therapeutic ingredients and nevertheless appeared to benefit from them.

Three Modes of Relaxation in Therapy

This brief article distinguishes between three forms of relaxation and three corresponding categories of relaxation techniques used in modern therapy.

CBT & Cognitive-Behavioural Theories of Hypnosis

This article aims to evaluate the relevance of cognitive-behavioural theory in the field of hypnosis for the practice of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). It begins with a brief historical overview of the theorists and concepts in question and definition of key terms. It proceeds to discuss the relationship between theories of psychopathology in hypnotherapy and CBT, and finally to consider the relationship between clinical interventions employed in cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy and their practical relevance to CBT.

Émile Coué’s Method of “Conscious Autosuggestion”

This detailed article reviews the central concepts and techniques used by Émile Coué in his famous method of “Conscious Autosuggestion” an important self-help system, cousin of hypnotherapy and precusor to modern self-hypnosis and cognitive-behavioural skills training methods in psychotherapy.

What is Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy?

This article attempts to briefly outline the historical context and origin of cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy, a major sub-modality of modern hypnotherapy. It proceeds to examine the relationship between hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) from this perspective.