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Anxiety and Phobias

Home / CBT / Anxiety and Phobias

Articles on anxiety management and exposure therapy.

Progressive Relaxation & Worry

This article outlines some uses of Progressive Relaxation applied to worry and anxiety, based on Edmund Jacobson’s original research. It contains some example exercises for relaxing the muscles employed in speech and vision.

Applied Relaxation

This article outlines the protocol for Applied Relaxation, based on the work of Ost and others.

Behaviour Therapy for Blood Phobias

This short article outlines the nature of the main evidence-based psychological therapy for blood phobia and related problems, Öst’s Applied Tension technique.

CBT for Intolerance of Uncertainty and Chronic Worry

Recent advances in the cognitive therapy of generalised anxiety disorder have focused on the role “intolerance of uncertainty” plays in triggering and maintaining chronic worry, this article provides a brief outline of the approach.