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Pain Control

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Hypnotic pain control articles.

Taking Placebos on Purpose

Brief discussion of a curious 1965 study in which placebo pills were administered to 15 “neurotic” psychiatric patients, who were explicitly told that they were being given “sugar pills” with no therapeutic ingredients and nevertheless appeared to benefit from them.

Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) and Childbirth

This article tries to explore ways of applying established evidence-based procedures for coping with stress (Stress Inoculation Training) to the problems of coping with stress or pain in relation to childbirth. It examines how methodologies based on basic research on stress and coping tend to emphasise elements largely overlooked in established natural childbirth methods.

Hypnotic Childbirth: Some Suggestions

This brief excerpt from an earlier article summarises specific examples of the main suggestions (and autosuggestions) used for coping with pregnancy and natural childbirth, derived from a survey of the hypnotherapy literature.

Hypnosis for Childbirth: Some References & Research

This brief article contains some references to very early uses of hypnosis for childbirth from Albert Moll and then excerpts from a more detailed review of research in this area from Crasilneck and Hall’s textbook Clinical Hypnosis (1975).