If you would like to watch the recent webinar where Mark provides an overview of the Certificate in Integrative CBT and takes questions from attendees please click on the link below and use this password: 5E$.znT5
We are excited to announce our new Certificate in Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy!
This is an additional certificate that can be awarded to students taking the Higher Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy.
The certificate has been introduced to acknowledge and highlight the depth and breadth of CBT training, knowledge, theory and skills within the Diploma programme.
The Certificate has been designed and verified by Daniel Mirea, a BABCP accredited senior therapist and supervisor, who is one of the leading CBT trainers and therapists in the United Kingdom.
It has always been the case that the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH) has contained a substantial amount of really good quality theory, principles and skills from cognitive behavioural approaches. For some time we have wanted to have a way of verifying and recognising how much high quality CBT training a student has received on the Diploma.
A Counselling Psychologist from Greece recently said that our course was “better than the Beck Institute”.
High praise indeed!
(The Beck Institute is in some ways the “temple” of CBT as it was founded by Professor Aaron T. Beck and now continues to run under the direction of his daughter Professor Judith Beck).
As part of studying the CBH Diploma you will develop a strong training in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and learn a large number of cognitive behavioural therapy strategies, approaches, tools and techniques.
In recognition of this learning you may wish to add the CBT certificate to your qualifications.
The videos and slide content is provided free. If students wish to gain the certificate there is a charge for the assessment.
Why is this important?
What does it mean for me as a student-therapist?
Firstly, the introduction of this certificate means that you can develop a much deeper confidence in the therapeutic approach you are learning.
Generally most psychologists who are experts in hypnosis do not think that “hypnotherapy” is a real therapy but just a set of tools. Their view is that hypnosis must always be an addition, an adjunct, to a psychotherapy. And the golden rule is “you should not be using hypnosis if you can't already work without hypnosis”.
This Certificate follows that principle. It demonstrates that you have learned CBT during the training, that you have taken a CBT course, and you know how to work both with and without hypnosis. Yes you are learning a proper psychotherapeutic approach, independent of hypnosis, as you take the training. You will be able to extend your professional work by confidently being able to work both with and without hypnosis.
Secondly, so you can much more confidently market your skills and approach as being based on CBT.
Thirdly, if you complete the assessment and gain the qualification you can add “Cert. Int CBT” to your post nominals.
Fourth, this will deepen your confidence and creativity, as a therapist.
Fifth, this will begin to extend your sphere of competence (organically not automatically) – so that you have a theory, understanding and approach to work with more complex and severe disorders.
Finally the Certificate will deepen your understanding of the basics of CBT which will allow you to continue to study CBT on your own – attending workshops and reading books – you will “get” the CBT approach at a very deep (yet simple level). A whole landscape of learning and professional development opportunities will open to you!
Why is it called Integrative CBT?
For several reasons:
We want to distinguish it from standard CBT which has followed a particular direction (“Beckian” CBT).
In this approach the understanding of the function of thoughts and language is different to Beckian CBT.
We make a stronger acknowledgement of the origins of CBT – particularly in the work of Meichenbaum, Salter, Jacobson.
Integrative CBT includes a lot more of experiential imagery work than standard CBT.
The aim of Integrative CBT is to achieve integration! Integration of thoughts, emotions and behaviour, integration of mind and body, integration of the individual both within themselves and socially, politically and spiritually into their community and indeed into the environment and nature itself (we are not separate islands!).
Is this really a valid certification in CBT?
Yes. This is not simply some marketing hype.
We hired Daniel Mirea to be a consultant on this project – and then to oversee this certificate in Integrative CBT
He created a set of learning outcomes for a Level 5 Certificate CBT that were based on the Post-Graduate Diploma in CBT he teaches at Regents University.
We then mapped those learning outcomes against the learning outcomes for the Level 5 Diploma in CBT.
We noted any gaps.
We created additional content (new modules and additional workshop) that closed those gaps.
So the Certificate in CBT has an APL (Accreditation of Prior Learning) of the CBH covered in the Diploma in CBT and then the additional modules, workshop, case study and book review ensure you have met the additional learning outcomes in the Certificate Integrative CBT.
See below Daniel Mirea's credentials.
So is the Diploma in Hypno-CBT® really a training in CBT?
An alternative type of CBT training programme?
There's a real challenge in terms of getting trained in CBT.
BABCP accredit a number of very high quality Masters in CBT courses. These are long, expensive, high quality and require you already have a core profession in mental health.
NHS IAPT training is a very good 42 day training programme designed for you to become a “Psychological Well-Being Practitioner” – which is the new name for a CBT therapist that works with mild to moderate issues and not severe mental health issues (previously called Low Intensity CBT vs High Intensity CBT). Competition is high and you have to work in the NHS.
There very few good private CBT training programmes available.
It's important to understand that CBT training is not regulated by BABCP or by the NHS.
And that even BABCP based training is highly biased towards certain aspects within the whole vast school of CBT approaches. (See our interview with BABCP Acc Clinical Psychologist Dr Krissie Ivings for more on this)
Diploma in Hypno-CBT® while not offering a full Diploma in CBT – is a high quality, effective, rapid training in CBT methods and principles – with the interweaving of hypnosis throughout. It equips you to work using CBT both and without hypnosis. And the Certificate in I-CBT gives strong emphasis to the rigour and depth to the CBT training in our Diploma programme.
Three components to the Certificate in Integrative CBT
- The existing CBT content in the Diploma (which we now highlight for you)
- A free additional module on CBT Fundamentals (6 hours) that Daniel Mirea has recorded to further deepen and highlight core aspects of the CBT approach
- A free workshop (digital or live) with Daniel Mirea on Assessment and Conceptualisation in CBT
- An assessment including a book review and case study (fee £145) – in order to be awarded the Certificate in Integrative CBT
To gain the Certificate in Integrative CBT you will need to:
• Complete the Diploma in CBH and be awarded the Level 5 Higher Diploma in CBH
• Complete the Assessment & Conceptualisation in CBT – 1 day workshop with Daniel Mirea
• Complete the Fundamentals of CBT module which contains additional lectures
• Complete a CBT case study (with supervision) and write a book review (see below)
You will qualify to be assessed for this certificate once you have gained your CBH Diploma at Level 5.
The CBT Certificate is internally awarded and is overseen by Daniel Mirea – BABCP Acc, MSc, UKCP.
The purpose of this certificate is to enable students to precisely identify the considerable amount of CBT theory, principles, and techniques that they have learned during the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and allow them to recognise and use that independent of hypnosis.
In addition students will increasingly see hypnosis as an adjunct to CBT and develop a good basic competency in CBT independent of adding hypnosis to it.
• To recognise the value of what students have learned in terms of behavioural therapy and cognitive therapy under the name of cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy.
•To allow students to more easily deepen and further their study into CBT.
•To create a strong theoretical, knowledge and skill basis in CBT upon which they can build with further study and practice.
Sphere of competence for this certificate:
It is important to note that this additional certificate doesn’t automatically extend your sphere of competence. In the view of the college, if the CBH Diploma and CBT Certificate are your only qualifications as a therapist we would consider your initial sphere of competence to be as follows:
- Performance improvement: sports, exam, driving, public speaking etc
- Mild anxiety associated with phobias e.g. animals or heights
- General stress: work related, lack of assertiveness
- Mild anxiety associated with social anxiety e.g. speaking in meetings or presentations, expanding friendship groups, dating, networking
- Habit change: nail biting, hair pulling
However by stronger attention to CBT theory, fundamentals and approach you will more quickly be able to expand your sphere of competence. Discuss this with your supervisor.
Our CBH Diploma is structured as follows:
Stage 1: Certificate in Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy
Stage 2: Certificate in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Stage 3: Certificate in Cognitive Hypnotherapy
The Stage 1, our Certificate, consists of 7 days (or equivalent for online learners) of intensive study. This course is focused on basic hypnotherapy assessment, hypnotic induction, and the use of suggestion; it presents a strong and comprehensive foundational training in traditional hypnotherapy – with a modern approach to hypnosis (non-trance model of hypnosis).
The Stage 2 is an intermediate qualification designed to help students build upon their basic hypnotherapy training and bridge the gap to full diploma qualification. The content in Stage 2 is focused on learning Behaviour Therapy techniques and how to integrate these with hypnosis.
The Stage 3, which leads to the Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy award issued by NCFE. The content in Stage 3 is focused on learning Cognitive Therapy techniques and how to integrate these with hypnosis.
Content for Stage 1 includes:
- Basic hypnotherapy assessment, hypnotic induction, and the use of suggestion; it presents a strong and comprehensive basic training in traditional hypnotherapy as well as relaxation and meditation techniques with hypnosis.
- Essential self-hypnosis and “hypnotic skills training” exercises
- Content is based on experimental and clinical research into hypnosis.
- The history and theory of hypnosis, from an evidence-based perspective and how hypnotherapy integrates with CBT and mindfulness
- The practical, ethical, and professional aspects of running a hypnotherapy practice
- How to treat common stress and anxiety-related problems and basic pain control techniques using hypnosis
In stages 2 and 3 the course integrates hypnosis with a wide variety of cognitive and behavioural approaches and techniques
Content for Stage 2 includes:
- Stress Inoculation Training (Meichenbaum)
- Exposure and Desensitisation approaches (Wolpe, Lazarus)
- Tension Control and Applied Relaxation (Jacobson, Benson, Ost, Borkovec)
- A wide range of emotional regulation techniques
- Habit Reversal Training (Nunn and Azrin)
- Thought Stopping, Paradoxical Intention (Salter, Frankl etc)
- Assertiveness Training, Social skills training and Authentic Self-Expression training
In this stage you will start to learn about behaviour therapy and start to explore how to integrated behaviour therapy with hypnosis.
Content for Stage 3 includes:
- Cognitive models and approaches and integration with hypnosis
- The role & use of imagery in Cognitive Therapy (& in Hypno-CBT®)
- Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety (Clark, Wells and Beck)
- Problem Solving Therapy (Nezu, Nezu & D’Zurilla)
- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (Ellis)
- Mindfulness-Based Approaches (Perls, Kabat Zinn, Hayes et al) [All three stages]
- A wide range of cognitive defusion (dehypnosis) methods
- Social Anxiety approaches (Clark & Wells, Padesky)
Each of the three stages focus on experimental and clinical research and science to underpin everything that we teach.
Daniel Mirea is a CBT consultant, triple-board certified (BABCP, UKCP & EMDR UK/ireland), senior lecturer, researcher and writer who trained and worked with some of the most recognisable clinicians in the United States and Great Britain over years, like Meichenbaum D (one of the CBT founders), Gilbert P (CFT), Corrie S (Art of Living), Padesky C (Strengths-based Therapy), Young J (Schema), Hays S (ACT), Linehan M (DBT), Tantam D (Autism), Van Deurzen E (Existentialism), Barlow D (Transdiagnostic Approaches).
He currently writes workshops, Masters and Doctoral programmes and trains in different cognitive and behavioural approaches. He is a Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine and a former course leader in CBT and Psychopathology with Regents and Middlesex Universities – Existential Academy.
With over 35 years of mental health practice, consulting clients ranging from media and sports personalities to prison work and victims of terror. Daniel developed and founded his own transdiagnostic approach for shame-based disorders called NeuroAffective- CBT. He is also a court witness expert and behavioural assessor within the criminal justice sector.
Here is Daniel introducing himself:
Additional content for the Certificate in Integrated CBT
Additional free Module – CBT Fundamentals
series (recorded video lectures – total: 6 hours)
• CBT: a brief introduction & overview
• CBT fundamentals
• Cognitive interventions & restructuring
• Working with core beliefs & the downward arrow technique
• Behavioural experiments in CBT
• Mood disorders vs anxiety
Additional free workshop:
Assessment and Conceptualisation in CBT
There is also an additional workshop run by Daniel Mirea covering Assessment & Conceptualisation.
This is a pre-recorded workshop – and will be run live three times a year
How do I get this new free content?
Once you have signed up for the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy you can apply for the Certificate in Integrative CBT and you will be given immediate access to the new module and the free workshop.
Additional Reading:
Students are also required to read Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Basics & Beyond, Judith Beck, Third Edition. You will need to purchase this or find a copy yourself.
Please note that you will retain access to the ICBT content if you remain a student of the College and continue to subscribe to the Professional Membership Hub at the end of your 12 months as a Diploma student.
Assessment and Qualification
Students wishing to be awarded the Certificate in Integrated CBT will need to complete the following:
- Completion of the current Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy Diploma and obtaining the Level 5 Higher Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
- Attendance at Daniel Mirea's Assessment & Conceptualisation workshop – there is an option to attend this workshop via live webcast
- Watching the additional recordings in the CBT Fundamentals module.
- Submitting a book review of Judith Becks Basics and Beyond (third edition).
- Complete an additional case study applying CBT approach
- Attending supervision sessions for the case study; a pre-planning call with your supervision and a reflective supervision session.
The assessment and qualification fee is £145.00 which includes marking of your book review and 90 minutes of supervision (30 mins pre-planning and up to 1 hour reflective supervision sessions).
Core Text Books for the Certificate in Integrative CBT
(this is in addition to the core texts for the Diploma in CBH)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Basics and Beyond by Judith Beck (3rd Edition)
Recommended Additional Reading
Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Science and Practice by James Bennett Levy etc etc
Mind over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Den nis Greenberger and Christine A Padesky (2nd Edition)
An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Skills & Applications. Helen Kennerley, Joan Kirk & David Westbrook. Edition 3.
Bringing CBT into the Valued Present by Tom Borkovec (Chapter)
Integrative CBT for Anxiety Disorders by Assen Alladin
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Alumni able to apply to complete this certificate?
Yes, this will be open to everyone who is taking the Diploma at Level 5. If you have taken the
Diploma at level 5 and are a member of the Professional Membership Hub you can apply for
the Certificate. We will then give you access to the additional modules in your library, there is
no charge for access to this module. You will also be given access to the digital version of
Daniel’s Assessment & Conceptualisation Workshop.
If you have previously taken the Diploma at Level 4 you will need to first upgrade your
Diploma to Level 5. Details of how to upgrade are on the student resources page here:
What post nominals can students who take the Certificate in Integrative CBT use?
The certificate will be signed by Mark Davis and Daniel Mirea. The post nominals that can
be used after your name are Cert. I. CBT.
Can a student apply to complete the Certificate before completing the Diploma
Yes, you can apply and gain access to the materials. You won’t however be able to complete
the assessment until the Diploma assessment has been completed. Please visit this link to
complete the application form: Application for the Certificate in Integrative CBT – UK College
of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy Training Courses (ukhypnosis.com).
What is the supervision allocation for the case study?
1.5 hours in total split as 30 minutes pre-planning and 1 hour supervision. This is broken
down as 2 x 30 minutes with 30 mins mid-way through the case study and 30 minutes at the
end. This supervision is included as part of the assessment fee.
Where are the documents associated with the assessment?
There is an assessment module within the Certificate in Integrative CBT module. The
guidance form for the book review, the form for conducting the case study sessions and the
supervision review form are all within this module.
Can one of my previous case studies for the CBH Diploma be used for this Certificate?
Yes, you can revisit your first case study if the focus and scripts used in that case study were
purely hypnosis based. If you do revisit this case study it will need to be discussed with the
supervisor during the pre-planning session and should then be started again with a full
assessment session.
Can the student start the case study before the pre-planning session?
You can identify your potential volunteer and have an initial discussion about the issue they
would wish to work on. The actual therapy sessions shouldn’t start until the pre-planning
session is attended with the supervisor. This is because the supervisor may advise against
that volunteer for reasons of sphere of competence.
If the case study volunteer drops out part way through the treatment plan, what
If you have completed a minimum of 6 sessions this can still be submitted as your case
study. In this instance your reflections are likely to be very valuable to your future practise.
If less than 6 sessions have been completed you will need to identify a new volunteer,
discuss their suitability with the supervisor and start the case study from the assessment
Does the case study volunteer need to sign any paperwork?
Yes you should share the case study agreement with the volunteer and ask them to sign
demonstrating that they understand the student is still in training. This is set out in the case
study guidance and process flow.
What is the cost of the assessment?
The assessment fee is £145.00. This fee covers the marking of the book review and the
supervision sessions for your case study. Once you have applied for the Certificate in
Integrative CBT and had your CBH Diploma confirmed as a pass, the payment link will be
sent to you.
I have paid for the Level 4 assessment and would now like to upgrade to Level 5, is this possible?
Yes, you can upgrade if you are still part way through the assessment process. Please see the link here for details of how to do this: https://www.ukhypnosis.com/pay-for-assessments-and-qualifications/. You will also find the payment link on this page along with the application form.
I have previously qualified for the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy at Level 4, can I upgrade to Level 5?
Yes you can upgrade. There are different routes to upgrading which depend on when you qualified for the Diploma. Please follow this link and select the route that relates to you: https://www.ukhypnosis.com/student-support/
How long will I have access to the ICBT materials?
You will retain access to the ICBT content if you remain a student of the College and continue to subscribe to the Professional Membership Hub at the end of your 12 months as a Diploma student.
Please only apply for this module if you have completed Stage 2.