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Home / UK Hypnosis Blog / What’s in our Stage 2 Hypnotherapy Course? (video)

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Whats in our Stage 2 Hypnotherapy Training Course from Mark Davis – Principal at UKCHH on Vimeo.

TRANSCRIPTION: What’s in the Stage 2 Course – The Certificate in Behavioural Hypnotherapy Course?

 “What I want to do here is explain to you a little bit about what we cover in the Stage 2 course, what we call the advanced certificate course. We’re getting into that cognitive behavioural model a lot more – not only understanding hypnosis more within that cognitive behavioural model, but then also how we tie that in with the therapy that we’re doing, the therapy interventions and the way we’re thinking about the whole presenting problem with the client.

We’ll be looking at stress inoculation training which was developed in the 1970s and 80s, and it’s a very flexible, well evidenced model of cognitive behavioural therapy that we think is really suitable for hypnotherapists. It allows you to take this model and apply it to a wide range of approaches, and essentially we could think of it as a training skills model. We’ll also be learning about how to do more assessment with client issues. Research has shown what good therapists do and we’ll be looking at the seven core tasks that psychotherapists do. Then we’re going to get into the behavioural approach kind of more thoroughly and we’ll look at some of the specific skills that stress inoculation training is talking about – and one of the first ones is relaxation training. Not just hypnotic relaxation but also how to work with the breath and relaxation, and also muscle tension and relaxation of the skeletal muscles. And so we’ll be learning Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation training in quite some depth, and also breath retraining techniques. And learning lots of different ways of teaching relaxation to clients and looking at the modern model of that which is called applied relaxation, which is one of the evidence based models for generalized anxiety disorder.

Then we’re going to look at assertiveness – we’ll have a whole day where we look at assertiveness and also the whole issue of self-expression vs being inhibited and shy and held back, and you’re learning how to role play assertiveness with clients and how to tie that in with hypnosis.

Then we’re going to get into a really important part and that is called exposure therapy. First of all, systematic desensitisation which is perhaps the most evidenced of all therapy interventions, and it’s really important to understand the principles and how to do that. Then we’ll be learning graded exposure and what’s also called flooding techniques. We’ll be covering that on days 5 and 6, and then on day 7 we’ll be looking at a range of techniques of behavioural therapy and how to use those with hypnosis. Habit reversal training, that’s very well evidenced for working with simple habits like nail biting, stuttering, coughing, skin picking, hair pulling. We’re learning aversion therapy techniques, thought stopping techniques – also how to use what’s called paradoxical intention.

That gives you, I think, a flavour of what we cover. We’re learning a range of behaviour therapy interventions, learning how to do those with hypnotherapy and learning the stress inoculation training approach as well as some general things about how to work with clients, the core tasks of psychotherapy and how to do assessment and conceptualization of client problems.”

About the author | Mark R. Davis

Mark is a therapist, trainer, meditation teacher – and a leader in developing the integration of hypnosis with cognitive behavioural psychotherapy approaches. As Director and Principal of The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, he is at the forefront of evidence-based hypnotherapy training – and is also very involved in the the integration of yoga and non-dual philosophy into Western Psychotherapy.