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Stoic Philosophy as Rational & Cognitive Psychotherapy

Donald RobertsonPhilosophy-of-CBT-Karnac-Cover

Many of us have felt the need for a book that covers the underlying philosophy of the cognitive-behavioural therapies in much greater depth. This book provides us with the missing link between the theory and the philosophy. It is a fascinating read and could be considered as either a prequel or a sequel to the standard textbook read by a trainee or experienced cognitive-behavioural or rational emotive practitioner who wants to understand these approaches to therapy within an historical framework.  (Prof. Stephen Palmer, from the Foreword)

The Philosophy of CBT was published in August 2010 and is the first major text to explore in detail the relationship between modern psychotherapy and ancient Stoic philosophy, particularly in relation to CBT and REBT.  Copies are available online from Karnac, the publisher,

Purchase The Philosophy of CBT Online from Karnac

We have created a dedicated website and blog, which contains a video interview with Donald Robertson, the author, discussing philosophy and psychotherapy, reviews of the book, and many free articles and excerpts,

Excerpts from the book are available on the page below,

Some example reviews,

Tom Butler-Bowdon, Author of 50 Self-Help Classics and 50 Psychology Classics,

Donald Robertson is blazing a trail to discover the sources of cognitive-behavioural therapy, and Stoic philosophy is prime among these. A fascinating work that should be compulsory reading for all practitioners in the field and interested lay people, providing insights into how ancient philosophy can give us the coping and life success strategies we are all looking for, both as professionals and in private life.  A great read!

About the author | Donald Robertson

Donald is a writer and trainer, with over twenty years’ experience. He’s a specialist in teaching evidence-based psychological skills, and known as an expert on the relationship between modern cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and and classical Greek and Roman philosophy. Donald is the original founder of The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, setting up in 2003 under the name Hypnosynthesis. Donald developed the evidence-based hypnotherapy approach taught in the College. He also has been instrumental in the further integration of hypnosis with CBT – both via the training courses of the College and his publication: The Practice of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy. He passed the College along to Mark Davis in 2013. He now lives in Canada