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- UK College News
An Announcement from Donald Robertson
Most of you probably already know that my wife, Mandy, and I are emigrating to Canada this year, with our family. We’re delighted to announce that the UK College will be continuing as normal under the ownership of our new principal Mark Davis. Mark is currently in the process of taking over ownership of the College. All contact details will remain the same. You can contact the college via admin@ukhypnosis.com or 0207 112 9040.
New Director and Principal: Mark Davis
Mark is a very successful hypnotherapist with a busy practice in Harley Street, who’s thoroughly committed to promoting evidence-based hypnotherapy. He’s also the chair of the Register for Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (REBHP). He has a very extensive knowledge of modern therapy and a superb background in meditation and yoga.
We’ve been honoured to work with so many students on courses and workshops over the past 10-15 years and delighted to see so many students doing well for themselves. Mark is a former student of the college, who later became a lecturer, and more recently vice-principal. He will now be taking over the UK College and running all of the courses, with the assistance of his wife Fabienne, whom we’re sure will make a great team.
Over the years, we’ve worked hard to improve training for hypnotherapists in the UK. The UK College were the first training school to offer diploma training in evidence-based cognitive hypnotherapy or cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH). We own the trademarked brand name Hypno-CBT®, which Mark will be continuing to promote. I compiled and edited the first complete edition of the writings of James Braid, the founder of hypnotherapy, and followed that with a major clinical textbook on Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy. In the years to come, we hope these resources will continue to be of benefit to therapists who wish to closely-integrate genuine evidence-based clinical hypnosis with cognitive-behavioural therapy.
This is an exciting time for hypnotherapists. When we began teaching evidence-based approaches we were truly swimming against the tide, and encountered quite a lot of opposition, but in the past ten years the whole culture of therapy has now shifted so that therapists and clients alike, quite rightly, expect that the techniques being used should be based on sound scientific research.
We wish Mark and Fabienne the best and we’re sure that all of our students will be well looked-after in their hands. You can look forward to the same high-quality of training that you’ve enjoyed in the past and I think you’ll also be pleasantly surprised by some of the new things in store for you over the next few years.