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Home / UK Hypnosis Blog / VIDEO: Choosing a hypnotherapy training Part 1 – What sort of hypnotherapy do you want to practise?

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Choosing a hypnotherapy training – Part 1: What type of hypnotherapist do you want to be?

My name is Mark Davis and I’m Director and Principal of the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. I’m also the main trainer for our courses.

A really good question to ask yourself when you are considering choosing a training is, “what sort of hypnotherapy do you want to practice?”
Do you want to be somebody who magically fixes people’s problems using the power of hypnosis in very mysterious and magical and powerful way.

Or do you want to be a hypnotherapist who is more like a guide, coach, skills trainer – who is sitting side by side with the client showing THEM how to do hypnosis, how to use the power of their mind and imagination.  i.e. How to empower the client to really own their own experience and to be able to use the power of their mind.

So on the one side we have a hypnotherapy where the focus is on the power being with the therapist and that hypnosis is this powerful thing that is done to the client.

And the other approach really focuses on the most powerful element in the room being the client. And that what the therapist is really doing here is showing the client how to be in control of their experience. And an approach that puts the power with the client.

So those are two very different approaches. Most people when they think about hypnosis probably think about the powerful hypnotism done by the hypnotist and by the hypnotherapist. However the approach we take at The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is much more like a “skills training”.  And we actually train clients how to do hypnosis, how to do self-hypnosis, and will approach it as “all hypnosis being self-hypnosis”.

While that is a simplification in some ways – it puts the power with the client…. because in a way the client is already doing a kind of negative self-hypnosis!
We want to show them how to they can let go of those unhelpful thoughts and focus their attention and imagination on more helpful, powerful ideas that can really bring about change in their lives.

So have a think about whether you want to be the powerful, guru hypnotist?
Or, do you want to be somebody who is more like a coach, an educator, a skills trainer; who is helping the client use their mind in a more effective and powerful way; to help the client make their own mind their best friend.”